Our Product
As you browse our site, you’ll discover how our Avionics products respond to specific needs. Over the years we have had the opportunity to develop products that meet or exceed all the requirements set by the toughest market out there: the aviation industry. This led us to bring in the best quality components available – cutting corners is not an option for us and we don’t skimp on quality in our fabric, our liquid formula or our packaging. Our products have been through extensive testing and we don’t sell anything that we don’t use ourselves on a daily basis.
Our Promise
Our prices are great, but we hope that you are looking for more from us than just great prices. Some lessons we have learned the hard way in all our years in business is that, while price is important, trustworthy quality, good service, consistency in manufacturing, reliability of performance and convenience of use are ultimately more valuable. So while our prices are good, our products and the way we take care of our customers are even better.

Delightful Feedback
What we love hearing most is when people say they had no idea they even needed our product and now they can’t live without it. We also love hearing how happy people are that all the components come from the US and the final product is manufactured right in New Jersey. The positive product reviews keep pouring in, and we can’t wait to hear what you think.
We’ve become really fascinated with aviation and recently began sponsoring FlightChops, which is all about fully immersive flying videos and is a passionate community of pilots and flying enthusiasts. Steve Thorne and his filmmaking team at FlightChops went ahead and made us a hilarious video about our product – in the most entertaining way. I invite you to watch it now, it’s really one of a kind.
On behalf of our team, I’d like to personally thank you for dropping by our new online home. Our goal was to make iclothavionics.com a nice spot to visit and easy to navigate, but since the team at iCloth HQ are only human, there might be a spot or two where you may be wondering about something specific or need some assistance. We’ve tried to cover some of those topics in our FAQ section.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to Contact Us through our online form and we’ll get back to you immediately if we are here, or the first thing the next business day if we are not.
We can also be reached by phone at:
Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM Eastern Time
Either way, we’ll be happy to hear from you.
If you’re interested in procuring a larger volume, our expert sales team will take good care of you. And if there’s anything we can do to make your iCloth experience more enjoyable, please let us know.
Looking forward,
Peter Hartlen
Devonshire Industries