iCloth Wipes vs Homemade Wipes

Peter Hartlen
iCloth Wipes vs Homemade Wipes

When it comes to cleaning, we should follow experts advice regarding what we should and shouldn’t use, especially for certain items or surfaces. There are several brands on the market and even homemade wipes but which one will truly work?

About iCloth Wipes.

iCloth’s one-step, anti-static screen wipes easily remove residue, smears, dirt, fingerprints, grease, grime, and gunk from all hand-held tech devices and displays, smart home interfaces and touchscreen surfaces.

What are iCloth wipes made of?

iCloth contains isopropyl alcohol which, as everyone knows, is a germ killer. To get optimal clarity and safety for sensitive surfaces, we’ve put the percentage of isopropyl alcohol in our liquid solution slightly lower than required for us to feel comfortable making germ-killing claims. That said – your iCloth will physically remove all the guck harboring the germs. It’s like cleaning your hands with soap and water - the germs and guck will be gone and it’ll be clean.

You are safe trusting your delicate surfaces to us. This is what we do, and we do it right here in North America. We utilize years of R&D, the highest quality materials, and stringent quality control to create the best product we can. We won’t let you down. Willing to risk it to save a few bucks? Watch out for paper-based wipes that might harm your surfaces and won’t hold the cleaning fluid, or components in the fluid - named or unnamed – that could do some real damage if it got into your devices.

Why iCloth Wipes:

We understand that every good relationship is built on trust. We strive 24/7 to earn your trust and protect our reputation for quality.

Because of this:

  • We use only the best materials we can source… not the cheapest.
  • Our products are manufactured with extremely accurate and reliable machines.
  • We ensure that our partners throughout the supply chain and manufacturing process, constantly monitor production so that quality issues are immediately recognized and dealt with.
  • Our wipes are made by really proud people who want to make sure that you get only the best.

About Homemade Wipes:

Homemade wipes are a plus for everyone who enjoys cleaning and being creative at the same time. It’s really simple to create these wipes. You will only need a few materials and directions as below.

First, you’ll need to decide what you’ll use for the wipes:

According to Sarah UmmYusuf - Author of three different cleaning guides-, she recommends using a combination of old baby washcloths and some old receiving blankets that have been cut-up with pinking shears to about 8-inch squares. She got 16 squares out of one blanket.

You could also cut-up some old t-shirts or use some thin washcloths. A smoother fabric (like the receiving blankets or t-shirts) will be good for simple wipe downs, but the “scrubbiness” of a washcloth works great for tougher jobs. Whatever you use, you might have to adjust the liquid ratio to work with your specific cloths, so be ready to experiment. Next, you’ll need to find a good container to store the wipes in.

And now for the cleaning solution.

There are quite a few recipe variations online that you could use. The recipe that is probably the simplest, and is basically a variation of the all-time famous homemade all-purpose cleaner, contains water, vinegar, alcohol, and some essential oils.

iCloth Wipes vs. Homemade Wipes:

Making homemade wipes can certainly save you some money. The problem is, as you might have noted, you have to base them on either high-quality paper towels or fabric cutouts and you may end up with a mess. Of course, before taking any decision you should always compare the strengths and weaknesses. Based on our interesting read, which option is best suited for you?

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